On Thursday 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day in school.

Everybody in school came in their comfy clothes and enjoyed reading their favourite books in the cosy corners set up around the school.

The children we're also invited to design their own outdoor reading area, with prizes up for grabs for the best designs! 

The book sale raised an amazing £111.62!! We hope all the children are enjoying their new books. All the funds raised will be put towards the new outdoor reading area.


We are also super excited to announce our new librarians... 

Each pupil applied by writing a letter of why they would make a good librarian, they also prepared for and had interviews for the role!

We asked Poppy, our newly-appointed librarian, why did she want to become a librarian?

"It is nice to help children, and it is nice to find the books as we have tidied them up by last name and alphabetical order." 

Well done to everyone - we are so proud of you all!