Consultation on Admission Arrangements for St John the Evangelist Primary School, Billingham 2026/2027
Where changes to admission arrangements are intended, all schools are required to consult before these are determined and published. The proposed changes are as follows:
PAN changing from 30 to 20
The policy for consultation for 2026-27 is available below.
The consultation will run from Friday 13th December to Friday 24th January
Response forms (see below) should be returned to the school by 24th January 2025.
Admissions Policy Consultation |
Introduction to applying for a school place -
If you feel that there are exceptional medical, social or pastoral reasons associated with your child and/or family which support admission to a particular school you must indicate that this is the case on your admission application. Please see attached guidance here for more information Guidance on Exceptional medical, social and pastoral need criterion for school admissions
An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places. An application should be made to the school by completing the in-year admissions application form and returning it to School Admissions, Municipal Buildings, Church Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 1XE.
School Admissions and Transfers:
Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in the admission arrangements, will be applied. Please see the school admission policy on this page for information on admission arrangements. Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements carefully before making their application.
If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list. Please see the admission arrangements for more details.
You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing as soon as possible. Applicants must be informed of the outcome of their application within 15 school days of receipt, but the aim is to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 10 school days of receipt.
You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful.
You may also wish to discuss in-year applications with the local authority by contacting the local authority admission team at School Admissions, Municipal Buildings, Church Road, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 1XE on 01642 526605 or by email at
Admission Appeals:
Click here to view the Stockton Borough Council information regarding school admissions
Further Information about Available Funded Childcare
Apply to our school nursery by completing the nursery application form below
Nursery Application Form